| 1. | Where the brokers runtime code is and (消息代理代码位于此处)和 |
| 2. | Runtime code access security checks are performed by walking the stack 运行时代码访问安全检查是通过堆栈遍历执行的。 |
| 3. | Has the ability to utilize common language runtime code as an extension mechanism 能够将公共语言运行库( clr )代码作为扩展机制使用。 |
| 4. | Displays the depth of the stack during that last runtime code access security check 显示上次运行时代码访问安全检查期间堆栈的深度。 |
| 5. | Runtime code access security checks are performed when a caller demands a particular permission 运行时代码访问安全检查是在调用方请求特定权限时执行的。 |
| 6. | Contains values used to describe the reason for a suspension of common language runtime code execution 包含用于描述公共语言运行库代码暂停执行原因的值。 |
| 7. | Displays the total number of runtime code access security checks performed since the application started 显示自应用程序启动后执行的运行时代码访问安全检查的总数。 |
| 8. | Runtime code generation offers a way of replacing reflection with direct access for top performance 运行时代码生成为获得最高的性能提供了一种用直接访问取代反射的方法 |
| 9. | Common language runtime code inside sql server is always invoked in the context of the process account Sql server中的公共语言运行库( clr )代码始终在进程帐户的上下文中调用。 |
| 10. | Displays the percentage of elapsed time spent performing runtime code access security checks since the last sample 显示自上次取样后执行运行时代码访问安全检查所用运行时间的百分比。 |